BLENDING Q - Abteiberg
Museum Abteiberg
curated by Susanne Titz, Gian Marco Hoelk
artistic director Evamaria Schaller

BLENDING Q at Museum Abteiberg as part of Ensemblia, 2023-06-17
with Konrad Bohley, Almut Elhardt, Florian Egermann, Hend Elbalouty, Stephan Ganoff, Felipe González,
Theresa Samimizad, Evamaria Schaller, Julia Scher, Reut Shemesh, Niklas Strang and Janina Warnk
The theme of the biennial Ensemblia Festival 2023: “Intersections”.

At Ensemblias suggestion, Julia Scher has invited the collective BLENDING Q to participate in a joint performance evening.
BLENDING Q is a group of Cologne-based artists who are counterintuitively connected by their common
interest in questions of sex, gender, body, (re)presentation, and performance. Organized nomadically,
they consistently realize engaging, highly sensory evenings at various venues.

Fotos Almut Elhardt